Monday, July 25, 2016

What I’m Watching: Casual

Casual: Season 2, Episode 8 “The Magpie” (B+)

I love how all three of our characters are in distinct places in their relationships where, to a degree, they are the ones in control of where they will go and they’re all headed towards some degree of self-destruction. Valerie’s is the most harmless in many ways, mainly because all that’s at risk is her own loneliness. Jennifer is obviously unhappy with her choice not to pursue Harry and her decision to opt instead for the more exciting and inconsistent Jack, and telling Valerie about fun plans that she has with Harry that she’s not invited in wasn’t particularly nice, nor was canceling on lunch after barely committing to it anyway. Valerie’s abused patient choosing to cut off therapy rather than get out of his dangerous relationship was an unfortunate supporting development that signals her failure to get through to someone she should be able to protect. Laura feeling claustrophobic with Aubrey and wanting to spend alone time with Spencer is understandable, but the way that she’s trying to disengage is going to backfire. And then there’s Alex, who was in shock when Jordan expressed naïve hope that his engagement would stay on and then tried to convince Sarah that she should be with him instead. Jordan vowing to burn Alex’s company to the ground is bad news, but Sarah showing up with all her stuff is a nice silver lining for the moment that’s sure not to last. I am very eager to see where it goes even if I’m nervous that it’s going to end badly.

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