Saturday, July 2, 2016

What I’m Watching: Grace and Frankie

Grace and Frankie: Season 2, Episode 7 “The Boar” (B)

I’ll admit that it’s been at least two weeks since I watched this episode so I can’t remember much of it. This is hardly the most consistently exciting show that I watch, and I imagine I might think more highly of it if I was watching it as Netflix intended, in one speedily-marathoned block. But that’s not how I’m doing it, and therefore I must settle for trying to review these episodes shortly after I watch them. I do remember the poignant and very worrisome conclusion to the previous episode in which Sol finally admitted to Robert what he had done. It’s fair that it would take a little while for things to get back to normal and that each of the characters would have to do some introspection to figure out how they feel. What was cool about this episode was that Grace went right to Robert to check in on him and, in doing so, confronted him about the way that he had done the same thing to her as Sol did to him, only he hadn’t come clean about it so soon afterwards. Frankie, on the other hand, didn’t take the bait and let herself be drawn into it anymore, and instead spent some time with another man who seems fully and totally invested in a future with her. I like Jacob, and I’m eager to see what role he plays in the coming episodes. Additionally, I’m excited to meet Coyote’s birth mother, if he and Bud can find that envelope.

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