Friday, July 22, 2016

What I’m Watching: Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll

Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll: Season 2, Episode 3 “Cool for the Summer” (B+)

This show is proving most serial in format than it was last year, and I think that’s a great thing. In this installment, we get a direct continuation of the threesomes plotline from last week, with both Gigi and Ava ensuring that the things they learned during their experiences inviting women into their bedrooms are imparted on the men with whom they share their lives. Flash’s concern about not being a good kisser shouldn’t have been such a big deal, but he let it get the best of him and overwhelm his every thought. Ava’s offer to help him was probably a bad idea given that it’s going to rekindle some of their old passion, but when has this crew ever been compelled to only take action on good ideas? Johnny was understandably distraught by Ava’s criticism of a particular set of his abilities in the bedroom. The best part of the whole episode was that the solution was for Johnny to turn to Gigi’s new fake girlfriend Davvy for advice on how to improve in that area, something that couldn’t possibly be more awkward given that she’s shared such intimate details with his daughter. I hope that Davvy will continue to be a part of this show for the foreseeable future since she definitely adds a lot and helps every other member of the cast with whom she interacts step up their game a little bit. I’m not overly fond of the subplot involving Rehab, Bambam, and their new side career, but it does have its entertaining moments.

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