Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What I’m Watching: Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan: Season 4, Episode 9 “Goodbye Beautiful” (B+)

You know Ray is a changed man when his two henchmen have to convince him that his fist instinct should be to kill everyone and make sure that he and his family are safe. Ivan’s body being discovered wasn’t good for anyone, and Sonia bringing her daughter to Ray’s house so that he could secure new identities for them and safe passage out of the country was quite the about-face, and Abby greeting them at the door was horrendously awkward. Lena executed her job with precision but unfortunately Avi didn’t do so well, getting himself into serious trouble and is now in the hands of Sonia’s uncle, whose request to see his niece may be difficult given that she just took off in the plane Ray arranged for her. Raymond J. Barry is definitely not Russian but is a strong choice to play the new villain on this show, having honed his vicious family member skills on “Justified” as Raylan’s father. Mickey’s job didn’t go so great either, resulting in the tragic death of his beloved Silvie, who really shouldn’t have gotten killed but whose death made Bill a whole lot less brave. It was the most melancholy moment we’ve seen in a while for Mickey, and great Emmy bait for another nomination next year. It’s good to see Teresa back, and also nice to see Terry making a move and entering the dating pool again after Marisol nearly burned down the gym. That family is really nothing but trouble.

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