Friday, August 26, 2016

What I’m Watching: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Season 2, Episode 12 “Kimmy Sees a Sunset!” (B+)

It’s a nice thing that Kimmy cares so much about other people that she’s willing to spend an entire day handcuffed to her therapist on a roof just to prove to her that she can get through a day without drinking. She seemed to be doing a pretty great job, but then Andrea had to go ahead and reveal that she had actually been drunk all day. That said, the fact that she put up with Kimmy’s antics for the whole day says something, even if it was just to triumphantly declare her disobedience. It’s fun to see Tina Fey clearly having a good time, and playing both day Andrea and night Andrea offers her the opportunity to really go wild. I’m glad we finally got to see Jacqueline again. Apparently, she’s been off trying to get David Cross’ Russ to get off the phone long enough to notice her and help return her to a high social status. There really are so many things not to like about Russ, and though he claims to be a defender of the common man, he goes about it in the most unlikeable way possible. Even a knockout punch (I didn’t realize those were still happening) couldn’t fell him, it just made him even more miserable. Jacqueline falling in love with him is a stretch, but what isn’t on this show? On a much sweeter note, how wonderful that Titus and Mikey have found such happiness together inspired by Titus being sick. Now maybe Titus will go on a cruise for a few months, a development sure to complicate their rather idyllic relationship in absurd ways that could only be conceived of on this show.

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