Thursday, September 15, 2016

Emmy Winner Predictions: Best Directing for a Drama Series

As I’ve done the past few years, I’m excited to present a detailed look at the Emmy race in each category with a spotlight on every episode submitted for consideration to voters. Click on episode titles to read reviews and offer your thoughts in the comments!

Episode 9 (Downton Abbey)
Battle of the Bastards (Game of Thrones)
The Door (Game of Thrones)
The Tradition of Hospitality (Homeland)
This Is All We Are (The Knick)
Exsuscito (Ray Donovan)

This is a pretty intense category, with the series finale of “Downton Abbey,” the season finales of “The Knick” and “Ray Donovan,” and the two of the craziest (but not the best) episodes of “Game of Thrones.” That makes “Homeland” feel pretty insignificant, so I wouldn’t expect that to win. Ditto “Ray Donovan,” whose inclusion here is probably its award. If the pilot of “The Knick” couldn’t win last year, the second season ender doesn’t have much of a shot. “Downton Abbey” could prevail, but I think the writing category is the likelier place. Pared down to just two “Game of Thrones” installments, I think it’s stiff competition with a clear frontrunner not so guaranteed to win.

What should win : I’d probably go with “Battle of the Bastards.”
What will win: I think it’s going to be Battle of the Bastards.

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