Friday, September 16, 2016

Emmy Winner Predictions: Best Directing for a Comedy Series

As I’ve done the past few years, I’m excited to present a detailed look at the Emmy race in each category with a spotlight on every episode submitted for consideration to voters. Click on episode titles to read reviews and offer your thoughts in the comments!

Parents (Masters of None)
Daily Active Users (Silicon Valley)
Founder Friendly (Silicon Valley)
Man on the Land (Transparent)
Kissing Your Sister (Veep)
Morning After (Veep)
Mother (Veep)

This category has seven nominees and five of them come from HBO shows that air back to back. I wouldn’t count on them cancelling each other out, however, since voters tend to be able to distinguish what their favorite shows are in this category and pick one that they like more than the rest. It would be cool if “Silicon Valley” won for either of its episodes but I don’t see it happening with “Veep” in the race.” I happen to not like “Mother” at all but I think it probably has a good shot, if not quite as good as “Kissing Your Sister,” whose title is twisted and brilliant. The “Transparent” installment recognized was certainly hypnotic and might win, while I think that “Master of None” has a better shot in the writing race.

What should win : Either “Silicon Valley” episode or “The Morning After.”
What will win: I’m betting on Kissing Your Sister.

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