Thursday, September 29, 2016

What I’m Watching: Longmire (Season Premiere)

Longmire: Season 5, Episode 1 “A Fog That Won’t Lift” (B+)

I’ve often described myself as the youngest viewer of this show which regularly attracts audience members in their seventies, an unsubstantiated fact that’s exaggerated from ratings reports from the network that used to air this show. It’s also significant since it is the first series acquired by Netflix to receive a renewal after being revived following its cancellation despite being the highest-rated series on its network, and therefore this fifth season feels like a real treat. I’ll admit that I didn’t remember anything about the season four finale that aired a full year ago, namely Walt getting shot and Mathias discovering that Henry is Hector. What’s very clear is that Walt is in bad shape, and his unwillingness to take time to recuperate has already led to him losing consciousness twice and generally seeming unwell around those who are more than ready to pounce on him and take advantage of his weakness. Vic kissing him was an interesting development, though she clarified that in a major way after eviscerating Walt for spitting out his pill like a child. Things aren’t looking good for Donna, and I do hope that she’s alright. The way that Mathias is using Henry now that he knows about his alter ego is interesting, and I think Walt is way too out of it right now to put it together. Cady’s news about her new job did not go over well, and that’s obviously going to remain a point of contention even after Walt recovers. I look forward to another sophisticated and enthralling season of this show.

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