Saturday, September 17, 2016

What I’m Watching: Masters of Sex (Season Premiere)

Masters of Sex: Season 4, Episode 1 “Freefall” (B+)

It’s hard to believe that this show is already in its fourth season, but I am pleased to note that this premiere indicates a positive direction that could mean a substantially better year than the past two seasons. With Dan noticeably absent from this episode, Virginia had a great moment embarrassing a sex guru with a reality check, even getting recognized by other attendees of the show as the noted intellectual that she is. She’s made such incredible strides and seems confident in herself, and it’s therefore very disheartening to see her column concept disregarded simply because she’s a woman. That’s doubly true because she went to the effort of dumbing it down and pandering to her audience even though she realizes that it’s far more sensational than scientific. Deciding to operate in the same building as Bill but with different teams – and partners – is an intriguing decision, one that I’m sure will lead to plenty of conflict. Betty did do her best to deflect as much as possible while her two employers were out of the office for an extended period of time, and it will be good to have them back. I enjoyed seeing Rich Sommer as a man only aroused by the sight of women in high heels, a very particular brand of sexual stimulation. I’m excited about the new Libby that we’re seeing since I think her character went so far downhill in recent years. Defiantly divorcing Bill to the point of giving away his clothes wasn’t even the best moment – not being so into taking off her bra and then doing it was a great triumphant moment of transformative freedom.

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