Monday, October 31, 2016

Take Three: Insecure

Insecure: Season 1, Episode 3 “Racist as F**k” (B+)

This show was very promising from the start, and I’m glad to see that, as it’s getting to know its characters, it’s continuing to improve its comedic and dramatic content. Focusing a bit on Lawrence and his job search was interesting, and after learning that he might want to consider entry-level positions, it didn’t take him long to accept that he needed to do that, starting a position at Best Buy until something better came along. Making jokes about her not coming home and him finding her at Rite-Aid again was indeed too soon, but the moving couch montage did a superb job chronicling their relationship from excited move-in to growing apart to leading separate lives, and getting rid of it at the end of the episode was an important representative step forward. Lawrence’s work situation was sharply contrasted by Issa’s, since she has a great job but finds herself constantly doubted by coworkers who have secret white meetings and send secret white e-mails. That the event was a roaring success with kids coming up to her and thanking her was a fantastic win for Issa, and triumphantly giving the big cooler to her obnoxious coworker to carry by herself was the icing on top of that. Molly auditioning Jared for her friends actually went pretty well, but she’s more interested in being part of this top-tier elite dating site than giving something that might actually work a shot since he doesn’t have a college education and check off all the things on her list.

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