Thursday, October 27, 2016

What I’m Watching: Better Things

Better Things: Season 1, Episode 7 “Duke’s Chorus” (B+)

I wouldn’t have expected Sam to being into going to church at all, but I think this visit was surprisingly therapeutic for reasons I didn’t see coming. I recognized Sarah Baker right away from her guest-starring title role in the “So Did the Fat Lady” episode of “Louie” as Mormon mom Tritiny, who forced a playdate with her daughter on Sam and then might her feel like she was the one being inconvenienced by it. Frankie was extremely eager to ensure that Sam had no excuse to get out of going to church, and when they were there, it was Duke who had some pretty depressing conversations about the impending coming of “the Jesus” that meant that they couldn’t keep being alive. Sam responding to Trinity’s attacks on her and chewing her out for her power play was fair, and it was great to hear Trinity let loose too, opening up about her divorce and cursing, clearly doing some much-needed venting. It’s nice that Sam made a new friend, especially since she could warn her about her latest crush Ned being very generous. Sam shutting off Max’s Lyft account was smart, and her response to being told “I hate you” so many times was pretty perfect. The way that Sam shouted for her to get off the boy and come with her was terrific, and making her come to church with her seemed like a fitting punishment, even if it put them back on the same side when her inappropriate clothing helped Sam score a win by offending Trinity’s judgmental husband.

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