Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What I’m Watching: Legends of Tomorrow (Season Premiere)

Legends of Tomorrow: Season 2, Episode 1 “Out of Time” (B+)

I spent the whole first season of this show thinking that it would be better if Vandal Savage wasn’t the only villain, and then we ended up with the Time Masters, who were a bit on the out-there side and then ended up being even more villainous. Therefore, I’m pleased to see a fresh start, anchored by Oliver Queen and a self-proclaimed “time detective” in the form of Nate Heywood, played by Nick Zano, last seen as precog brother Arthur on “Minority Report.” This show still demands an extraordinary reliance on “Arrow” and “The Flash,” and I was excited to see Neal McDonough in the episode before realizing that his character, Damien Darhk, was a regular player on the show I don’t watch. Having Eobard Thawne show up as Darhk’s new ally was considerably more exciting because I’m much more familiar with his character and think he could contribute positively. I don’t know anything about the Justice Society of America, but it is cool to see people with powers in 1942 and for them to interact with these time travelers. Kidnapping Einstein only to find that he was a sexist pig was entertaining, and I like how this episode dealt with the past, particularly the legends’ extensive use of their powers. Sara seducing the Queen and then corrupting supposed witches in Salem was entertaining, and I like her rapport with Jax and the rest of the team. Charging ahead without Rip should be interesting, and I think the show has recovered well from the losses of Kendra and Snart. I’m eager to see where the season goes.

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