Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What I’m Watching: You’re the Worst

You’re the Worst: Season 3, Episode 7 “The Only Thing That Helps” (B+)

We know well that Jimmy doesn’t react to events, both good and bad, in the normal way that humans should. I’m not sure how much his father’s death had to do with his struggle to write that was conveyed in the opening montage, but his casual response to the arrival of his father’s ashes in a package necessitated some closure to help him move on and past it. Sending a friend to read a eulogy for him was a smart way to get the last word in, and Jimmy was not at all pleased to realize what he had done. Wanting his ashes scattered at Tony Shalhoub’s home because of a connection to the great food movie “Big Night” was a strange request, but what else can you expect on this show? Ben Folds being Gretchen’s new client was a surprise, especially since this show doesn’t tend to do celebrity guest stars, but it worked out pretty well mainly because she wasn’t at all fazed by who he was and he was trying way, way too hard to stay relevant with his pork shoulder and planned paparazzi. I liked seeing Tim Bagley’s caseworker, who I didn’t remember had previously appeared in a season two episode, and he was definitely not into Edgar’s request for one medicinal remedy to his condition. Of course Vernon would have a scheme ready to help him in his quest for pot. Paul did not seem into what Lindsay wanted to do at all despite his initial willingness, and calling Raul back was about the sweetest thing he could have done for a wife who needed that show of support.

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