Wednesday, November 16, 2016

What I’m Watching: Divorce

Divorce: Season 1, Episode 5 “Gustav” (B+)

Robert managed to lose the element of surprise right away when his lawyer called the house and didn’t even introduce himself before Frances caught on to who he must be. Frances always wanted to play nice, and at first Robert was ready to be extremely spiteful. After a brief tempered period, he’s back to wanting to take everything, and he’s gone ahead and hired a lawyer who’s far more vicious than he is. Who better than Dean Winters, famous for trying hard to be a subway hero by pushing people onto the tracks and then rescuing them, to portray Tony Silvercreek, a cutthroat divorce lawyer who wasn’t recommended for Frances because he hates women. His 11pm call to Frances to intimidate her definitely worked, and having personal service at a big firm doesn’t sound so reassuring anymore. Robert might be shooting himself in the foot by trying so hard to get people interested in his “fun space” that feels hopelessly overambitious, with talk of tour buses for his field trip destination seeming very premature. Nick is more open to spending time with his bud, but he’s still not excited about investing in his pet project. Frances also spent some time with her friends, which gave her access to new connections that could have been great for her. I recognized Frank Whaley, who I’m also currently watching on “Luke Cage,” as Carson Hodges, the artist who initially had a great rapport with Frances before he let his ego get the best of him and started fighting like a child.

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