Saturday, December 31, 2016

Top 16 New Shows of 2016: #11

My annual TV Awards, the AFT Television Awards, are given out during the summer. It’s always nice to reflect midway through the television season to reflect back on all the calendar year introduced us to. As 2016 closes out and 2017 begins, here’s a look back at the best new shows of the year.

#11: Insecure

HBO has ventured into new territory with its comedies recently, and this fun, fresh show is one of its finest experiments. Issa Rae is a fantastic delight, full of nervous energy and an occasional tendency to say the wrong thing. It’s not just Issa’s story, and that’s what makes this show so worth watching, with humor and unexpected drama melded together to make an extremely well-rounded breakout hit.

Best Episode: “Racist as F**k
Pilot Review | Episode Reviews

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