Tuesday, December 20, 2016

What I’m Watching: The Great Indoors

The Great Indoors: Season 1, Episode 7 “At Emma” (B+)

I know it’s not sophisticated, but sometimes this show just cracks me up. I’m happy to ignore all the hopelessly sexual innuendos that Clark cluelessly made at the zoo, and instead focus on the main millennial problem of the installment: Emma expected a raise for not actually doing anything spectacular and got a harsh reality check from our good friend Jack. Framing it as a warning rather than a promotion since he had just seen her literally sleeping - unapologetically - on her desk moments earlier predictably sent her running, and in this new information age, that means getting a job at a rival company right away. I enjoyed Jack and Roland’s efforts to do her hourly tasklist, with the higlights being Jack’s blurry “hashtag lapm” picture and Roland confusing Google and Twitter, typing in such things as “private mode Judi Dench bikini” and then posting them. Emma’s new workplace was totally absurd, and I loved Jack’s interactions with the hipster who was not at all impressed with him, a sentiment Jack echoed perfectly. Jack’s hire was also pretty poor, and his attempts to defend her fell very flat. Eddie’s eagerness to rebrand and dabble in magic was a fun subplot, and the best part was when Clark freaked out when, somehow, Eddie delivered his order of a hot dog by telling him to check behind his ear. I’m not so sure that’s possible, but there are plenty of things on this show that require a considerable amount of suspension that has to be excused for it to work.

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