Tuesday, December 20, 2016

What I’m Watching: Luke Cage

Luke Cage: Season 1, Episode 11 “Now You’re Mine” (B+)

This show has really developed its own signature style, and there were a few moments during this episode where its token music kicked in, indicating that things were about to get crazy. It’s incredible just how little the police and the reporters outside the club knew about what was going on, and I kept wishing that Misty was going to think to try to send a text when her service went out and she couldn’t transmit some truly crucial information to a certain inspector that would have cleared up a whole lot. Fortunately, even Mariah’s deputy wasn’t so set on the fact that Luke was bad and that killing him with advanced bullets was the way to go, and therefore the episode ended emphatically with Luke being arrested and going in willingly, hoping to get a fair shake from the police and from the media. Diamondback gave us a good deal of background about who he is and why he hates Luke so much, and he’s getting to be so vindictive that even those like Shades who are just as much out for themselves are no longer behind him. The MVP of the hour was Claire, who proved that she is capable of remaining cool in any situation, lying to save someone she didn’t know and then getting a free pass to roam about and look through a secret exit whose location she managed to communicate to Luke by tapping on a wall. With just two episodes left this season, I’m eager to see what comes next for Luke and for Harlem.

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