Tuesday, December 13, 2016

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 6, Episode 8 “James Wonder” (B-)

This episode wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been, mainly because two of its primary elements – Jess’ frou-frou school and Winston’s inability to perceive the world around him – are usually pretty annoying. We saw Lucy Punch’s Genevieve again, and of course she would fall for the fabricated character that was James Wonder. I immediately recognized David Hornsby, who played Ed, from his lead role on the short-lived but enjoyable “How to be a Gentleman.” This wasn’t as fun a part, and instead he just got to serve as an antagonist for Jess in her quest to become principal, something we know that she’s always wanted. It was ultimately endearing to see her speak up and make a passionate case for her to get the job, showing just how much she cares about this. Winston’s commitment to character was inconsistent at best, and I’m still curious why we’re not seeing Aly full-time, which would be really nice. Nick struggling with what kind of gift to get Schmidt and Cece for their wedding wasn’t the most enthralling of plotlines, though I did enjoy the fact that he bought a blender off their registry and then used it himself, opting instead to destroy it. It’s hardly a surprise that Nick would be so perplexed by the notion of a wedding registry, convinced that it was another instance of robots trying to tell him what to do after Winston managed to pull off one of his legendary pranks and make him paranoid about such things for life.

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