Monday, December 19, 2016

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 6, Episode 9 “Es Good” (B-)

This episode was somewhat enjoyable, but I’m still not at all convinced that Robby should continue to be on this show. I liked it when he was a romantic rival for Schmidt with Cece, fully confident and self-assured but also likeable enough. When he was pining for Jess and then hopelessly injured, he was pretty pathetic, and now all of a sudden he’s a total enigma that Jess knows nothing about who has done so much incredible and not credible things in his life. Of course Jess would overreact to Robby’s casual dismissal of their relationship status by inventing a date of her own, but you’d think she could have done better than a man who didn’t speak English and mulled his own wildly hallucinogenic wine. Robby and Jess’ reunion where they professed their affection for each other was sweet, so maybe this relationship will improve slightly going forward. I liked seeing Winston and Cece bond over being needed by Jess, and even with Robby around, this was the best use of Winston we’ve seen in a while. I recognized Jason the contractor from his role as the male lead on “Mike and Molly,” and I think the best part of his so-so role was Schmidt’s attempt to speak the language of the common people, something he’s hopelessly unable to relate to. Stealing things out of Jason’s truck was a silly diversion, but at least the vegan contractor turned out to be a good guy who had even taken the items off the invoice when he realized that he wasn’t going to use them for this job.

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