Monday, December 5, 2016

What I’m Watching: Rectify

Rectify: Season 4, Episode 5 “Pineapples in Paris” (B+)

This show has always done a tremendous job of portraying Daniel’s struggle adjusting to life and getting to know him as a character, but the best thing that’s being demonstrated now is just how much it has informed us about all of the other characters and their relationships. We barely saw any of Amantha in this hour, so I do hope that we’ll revisit more of my favorite character in the show’s final three episodes. The conversation between Ted Sr. and Janet about not having expectations and enjoying the chance to fantasize was hypnotic, and it doesn’t seem that they really disagree about what the ultimate endgame should be, but Ted doesn’t appreciate Janet’s new lease on life and the way that she’s making brash decisions without him. Teddy proposing a divorce to Tawney after coming over for muffins and butter was a cathartic moment, though he obviously had some trouble letting go if his little break-in was any indication. Bobby’s visit provided some enlightening and transformative information about Daniel’s case that could change everything, but in the end we’re left with Daniel as he is now, starting out with a polite request to his roommate and resulting in him starting to get really angry. Fortunately, he found a new roommate who’s much more like him, and he even had what seemed to be a productive moment with his mom when she showed up. And Chloe is there for him in just the right way. Hopefully he’s headed towards a happy ending by the series finale.

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