Sunday, December 18, 2016

What I’m Watching: Timeless

Timeless: Season 1, Episode 9 “Last Ride of Bonnie and Clyde” (B+)

I wouldn’t have immediately thought of Bonnie and Clyde as historical figures since the Oscar-winning 1967 movie made about them created such an impression on me when I saw it probably ten or so years ago. What was most effective about this episode was seeing the excitement with which Lucy and Wyatt realized where they were as they ended up right in the middle of the final heist pulled by the Barrow Gang. After Lucy was told that she couldn’t open a bank account with permission from either her father or her husband, she had a much easier time impressing Bonnie and Clyde by taking credit for some of the robberies that the famed couple didn’t actually commit. I was thinking during this episode that this show presents a cool platform for lesser-known actors to get noticed playing famous people from the past. The only guest star I recognized in this hour was Chris Mulkey from “Sleeper Cell” and many other things as dogged investigator Frank Hamer. Rufus was smart to use his tape recorder to prove that he was telling the truth, and it didn’t hurt anyone since all those who heard it died just moments later. I like that our heroes don’t always succeed in stopping Flynn, and that their actions in the past can be futile. In this hour, we got a long-awaited kiss between Lucy and Wyatt that was just meant to be staged but will clearly mean more going forward, and we also found out that Agent Christopher is certainly one of the good guys, but she’s in far more danger than she realizes with the omniscient Rittenhouse.

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