Thursday, January 5, 2017

Golden Globe Winner Predictions: Best Actor in a TV Series – Comedy/Musical

The competition: Anthony Anderson’s proud patriarch (Black-ish), Gael Garcia Bernal’s eccentric conductor (Mozart in the Jungle), Donald Glover’s struggling manager (Atlanta), Nick Nolte’s eccentric ex-President (Graves), and Jeffrey Tambor’s patriarch-turned-matriarch (Transparent).

For your information: Last year’s winner, Bernal, is back with his second consecutive nomination. Tambor, who won two years ago, earns his third nod this year. Nolte has four previous nominations spanning forty years, with one win in 1991 for “The Prince of Tides.” This is the first nomination for Anderson and Glover. All but Nolte’s show are nominated for Best TV Series – Comedy/Musical.

Who should win? Glover or Tambor

Who will win? I think Glover stands the best chance, but it could be any of them.

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