Monday, January 9, 2017

Round Two: The Mick

The Mick: Season 1, Episode 2 “The Grandparents” (B-)

This second episode didn’t inspire too much confidence in me for the future prospects of this show, and I’m not sure that I’m going to tune in for episode three. The start was pretty good, with Chip saying things like “Why are we in a poor person’s restaurant” and offering his little brother the $1,000 dollars that he has in his hand to lick the grill. Mickey’s decision to leave was predictable, though I’m surprised that she allowed Alba to come with her. Calling her brother-in-law’s parents to come over was a logical move in some ways, but that was where this show’s quality decreased in my mind. The colonel being in a wheelchair and totally unresponsive when Chip was looking forward to meeting his war hero grandfather was the first misstep, and the grandmother slapping Sabrina repeatedly when she talked back was a bit much. Throwing her coffee on Sabrina was a formidable response to her granddaughter’s attempt to drug her using the same trick Mickey did, and forcing her to dance was another example of excess that this already wild show doesn’t really need. Mickey returning only because she needed to get money to repay the loan shark she left with Alba as collateral was another sensible development, and naturally the whole problem would be solved by the grandmother slipping by chance and breaking both hips. If these are the kind of shenanigans that Mickey and her niece and nephews are going to get into on this show, I’m not sure that I need to stick around to watch it happen. It’s not awful, but it’s not appealing as episode one.

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