Tuesday, January 3, 2017

What I’m Watching: Good Behavior

Good Behavior: Season 1, Episode 6 “We Pretend We’re Stuck” (B+)

I love that this plot-driven show has not gotten almost completely away from its original setup of Javier as a hitman and Letty as an addict, and instead is just following them as people trying to navigating a difficult situation. It’s fantastic – and makes so much sense – to learn that Jacob takes after his mom more than you’d expect, and is just about as quick as her with coming up with a lie in a sticky situation. Telling his coach that his mom was his aunt, who modeled for Grand Theft Auto and brought her gardener everywhere, was crafty and almost unnecessary, and then he got himself into actual trouble later when he got caught shoplifting in the store. Misreading Javier mouthing his name was a setback, and things took a turn for the very bad when Tiffany showed up and told the security guy that the woman there was most definitely not Jacob’s mother. Throughout the whole thing, Javier was so calm and great, indicating a fondness for children that he doesn’t necessarily share for the adults who end up on his hitlist. Racing back to beat Letty’s mom home led to her coming clean about the whole thing and then deciding that she shouldn’t take Jacob for now since she had to learn how to become a better parent first. I’m thrilled about the casting of Ann Dowd from “The Leftovers” as an FBI agent who knows exactly what the newly unemployed Christian did. I’m less excited that he got caught so easily, and I’m worried that Letty is next and it might be very, very bad for her if she gets caught too.

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