Wednesday, January 4, 2017

What I’m Watching: The Great Indoors

The Great Indoors: Season 1, Episode 8 “Office Romance” (B)

Clark’s crush on Emma was going to come up sooner than later, and it did in a big way when Jack walked in on Clark telling his best bud Mason about it and couldn’t resist the opportunity to meddle. I love that Clark keeps his secret eight-year-plan to get with Emma hidden in a Settlers of Catan box, something that intrigued Brooke enough late one night to inspire her to stumble upon it. Naturally Clark doesn’t know a thing about dating, and he was actually relieved to know that there was a ban in place on interoffice dating since it meant he didn’t have to accelerate his plan past the non-moving speed at which it was proceeding. Jack had no trouble getting that obstacle removed, with unforeseen consequences of course, namely the fact that he tuned out of a date and ended up agreeing to a relationship with a coworker that he had absolutely no desire to be a part of and wanted out of as quickly as possible. Clark pointing out that he could actually be helpful in breaking up with a girl since he’s been dumped so much was a fun twist, and while Jack didn’t quite follow his advice, it was nice to see him able to be useful for once. Clark grabbing Emma’s hand while coaching Jack was sweet, and her reaction to his playbook was equally positive, which was great. Mason’s obsession with knowing secrets is random but fun, and I like that Eddie accidentally told him that he didn’t know all of the office secrets, prompting him to dig deeper and, sooner than later, uncover Jack’s relationship with Brooke, which neither of them want to get out to their millennial colleagues.

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