Saturday, January 7, 2017

What I’m Watching: Shameless (Season Finale)

Shameless: Season 7, Episode 12 “Requiem for a Slut” (B+)

I’m impressed that this show has aired more than eighty episodes over the course of seven seasons and it’s still one of the best shows on television, whether you consider it a comedy or a drama, and I’m not sure where I’d categorize it at the moment. What I liked most about this finale was that it didn’t include much in the way of impactful developments, and instead focused on Monica’s funeral and what coming together as a family meant for the Gallaghers. I was glad to see Carl again and to see that he’s turned into a more upstanding citizen, and a bit of illegal activity encouraged by his father didn’t manage to change that. Lip wants to get his life together, Ian knows more what he wants, Deb is in great shape in all aspects of her life, and Fiona is on the way to becoming a profitable landlord. That’s about the best we can hope for from this family, and it was touching to see them – but not hear them – say goodbye to the mother that they weren’t exactly mourning. Svetlana is gone for good, and at least the relationship between Kev and Veronica has been repaired to the point that they’re acting in unison again, even if they have different feelings about Kev’s optional extra credit work. Ending this episode with a post-credits announcement from a few of our characters that there was nothing to see means that the show can start fresh in season eight, which I look forward to seeing soon, though probably after a longer wait than the short seven-month hiatus we had after the sixth season.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Emma Kenney as Deb

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