Thursday, February 16, 2017

Take Three: 24: Legacy

24: Legacy: Season 1, Episode 3 “2:00pm-3:00pm” (F)

I think I need to stop watching this show. There’s absolutely nothing about it that I find appealing, and no traces of the original show to latch on to or look forward to. The format that’s supposed to make this show so unique is barely even being utilized, since things are happening so fast that we don’t even get to see them, which makes let them considerably less exciting and satisfying. When Carter was trapped and was able to talk one of the cops into believing him and helping him, all of a sudden he managed to get out of the situation thanks to a well-timed phone call from Rebecca to the police captain. A splitscreen could have informed us that was happening and that maybe she wouldn’t get through in time before some heroic cop tried to take a shot at him, but instead we’re treated to traditional and very uninvolving storytelling. Since the President being the mole wasn’t enough in season five, now we’re back to such high-level treachery with Henry framing Nilaa for his own act of treason. The problem is probably that CTU is prioritizing tracking calls a drug dealer’s girlfriend made without asking why Nicole was entitled to it and why it wsa relevant, and as a result they’re missing the important stuff that’s going on. You’d think the four terrorists would be a bit more subtle and that one of them would be close enough to cut Ben off when all the shooting started, but the terrorists still managed to get the list and Eric, not to be deterred by, you know, getting hit by a car, wasn’t fast enough to stop them, which means terrorist actions are imminent and there’s no hope to stop them. I don’t need to see this – I’ve had enough of this show.

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