Sunday, February 26, 2017

What I’m Watching: Billions (Season Premiere)

Billions: Season 2, Episode 1 “Risk Management” (B+)

This was one of the best new shows of early last year, and because it finished its first season at the beginning of April, it’s been a long time since it was last on. Instead of flashing forward to a time much in the future, this opener takes place shortly after everything that happened in the finale, namely Wendy making a break from both her personal life with Chuck and her professional relationship with Axe. Chuck, with a cleaner goatee, is just as cutthroat and vengeful as ever, ready for the investigator who showed up intent on proving his corruption and freely calling in favors to those still in power. Those under him are making moves to ensure that their careers aren’t entirely linked to his, and apparently Bryan may have had a much more direct role in this latest development, calling for the inquiry into Chuck after his meeting with Axe. Just as Chuck is trying to recover, Axe is playing very close to the vest, trusting only a select few and requiring much more stringent protocols for his employees. Wags seems to be in bad shape, but that only adds to his paranoia instead of making him sloppy. And then there’s Wendy, who seems to have come out of this ahead, getting great lecture gigs and turning the arrogance of her audience members to her advantage, still seen by both men who played tug-of-war over her in season one as the only person who really understands them and can help them move forward.

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