Tuesday, February 14, 2017

What I’m Watching: Sneaky Pete

Sneaky Pete: Season 1, Episode 5 “Sam” (B+)

It’s seemed clear since the start of this show that Marius’ quick con as Pete was never going to work out so smoothly, and I like that things are only getting much, much more interesting as time goes on. Otto catching Pete tailing Audrey could have been an easy way for him to get found out, but it turns out that there are severe problems in their marriage – which prompted Audrey to tell Pete to resist the urge to get married if he ever gets close to anyone – and Otto enjoyed the opportunity to work with Pete and run a con together with his grandson. I appreciated the casting of Jay O. Sanders from “Person of Interest” and other projects as Sam, who had more than enough answers ready for an angry Otto and then called Audrey to connote that they do have some sort of relationship, but her money troubles run much deeper than even he knows. Carly is on to Pete, and his quick acceptance of her reference to a birthday event that never happened confirmed that he isn’t who he says he is. We didn’t see his parole officer at all in this hour, but I’m sure Bagwell will be back to catch Pete in the middle of something that he’s not going to be explain. I like that Julia reconnected with Lance, and I’m curious how that’s going to play out for Pete. Vince suggesting using Eddie again to spot a con is intriguing, and I don’t see that going entirely well for anyone.

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