Thursday, February 23, 2017

What I’m Watching: Sneaky Pete

Sneaky Pete: Season 1, Episode 6 “Coyote is Always Hungry” (B+)

It’s hard to keep with up with Pete, or rather Marius, since he’s always up to something and working with any number of people on his next con. It’s incredible to see some of his partners in action, as Karolina tried her hardest to lose her tail and then cut herself so that she would have a moment alone with Eddie to assure him that she was working with his brother on a way to get him out. Eddie did a decent job of being fearless, but Vince being furious and totally ready to take him up on his bluff to have his finger cut off right there and then shut down his bravery pretty quickly. Pete pickpocketing two petty thieves to show them how good he was and that he wanted their help was interesting, and I wonder whether he’ll have a new apprentice if she follows his advice to “drop 150 pounds” and go solo. Lance’s reminder to pay Victoria’s rent couldn’t have gone off at a worse time after Julia spent the night following her sour reaction to his boat purchase, and it turns out that everything is much more connected than we thought. Lance is involved in a major way, and Audrey is trying to get her money back from him since she’s in the hole. No one wanted to listen to Carly’s evidence about her so-called-cousin Pete, and it seems that her grandparents did when she told them that he was a criminal. Naturally, he’s already ready with a story, and, without missing a beat, is using their unexpected visit to his advantage to move ahead with the next con.

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