Monday, March 27, 2017

What I'm Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 6, Episode 20 "Misery" (B)

I understand that this episode's title is meant to serve as a parody of the Oscar-winning 1990 film helmed by Rob Reiner, who got to have fun played the bed bound character here whose caretaker, under the guise of keeping up his health and speeding along his recovery, wouldn't let him out. Like many of Jess' plotlines of late, it fell flat, and it's better just to ignore and forget it altogether. I enjoyed the fact that Schmidt and Cece just showed up at the loft and found that every single person, including Winston's mom, made mention of them having moved out and asked what they were doing there. They were so eager to still be involved in their lives since living in a house wasn't all they had hoped it would be, and I laughed when Cece reacted to Nick not having her number in his phone. Egging Nick on to assert himself in Reagan's life a bit wasn't an initially intelligent idea, but I think it pushed him far enough to be able to realize that he and Reagan just don't work. If Jess ever answered her phone, maybe they could get started on getting back together since anything else seems inevitable at this point. Winston hosting a fake radio show just so that his mom wouldn't know that he was a cop was the epitome of ridiculousness, and I'm glad that Aly found something different - bargain shopping - to bond with his mom about which led to some serious honesty and included a few funny moments.

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