Thursday, March 9, 2017

What I’m Watching: You, Me, Her

You, Me, Her: Season 2, Episode 3 “Remember, Ruby, Remember” (B+)

Now this is more like it. I couldn’t have picked a more fortuitous time for Jack to encounter the ex who we haven’t heard about up until now but who still apparently occupies a major part of his past and makes him think nostalgically every once in a while. Emma was trying to get on Jack’s good side in the morning but he wasn’t really having it, and Izzy was pretty casual about it when she was making fun of them. Jack didn’t do anything wrong in his interaction with Ruby, who did seem to be impressed by him enough to offer him the job, but his crucial mistake was in not telling both of the women in his life about it. It was a surprise to see him run into Andy after he was chatting with Ruby, and I like that we got to see the two of them chat for a few minutes over drinks. Unfortunately, Andy went straight to Izzy and Nina with the information, and Izzy was ready to go in swinging with it against Jack. Her assertion that sex could solve everything obviously didn’t work, and that’s something that will be addressed in the next installment. Ava buying into Lori’s cruelty and turning it against her to torment her doesn’t particularly help anyone, and I think all it’s going to do is encourage Lori to turn her aggression towards the thruple into her full-time occupation, which can’t mean anything good and is sure to only complicate their already problem-filled relationship.

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