Saturday, April 22, 2017

What I’m Watching: The Catch

The Catch: Season 2, Episode 6 “The Hard Drive” (B)

Okay, so at least we’re away from all of the crazy sexual stuff and other ridiculousness that has defined this show for the past few episodes. Instead, we’re treated to flashbacks to a version of Alice that is pretty shocking, and that may be more because it’s not all that credible than anything else. Her first meeting with Val was quite memorable, and it’s hard to imagine that she would fall so hard for Christopher after having this unfortunate experience with Ethan which clearly led her to partner up with the former detective to start a private investigation firm. What’s most interesting is that, to keep up the soap factor, Ethan isn’t out of the picture, and Alice going to him to apologize for not believing him the first time around led to him showing up at her door just as she was reminded of the dishonest way in which she and Ben, who are now blissfully happy, came about. Ben’s right that it was an old version of him and he hasn’t done anything wrong in the present, but I suspect nothing will be quite that simple, especially in light of his newly revealed paternal status. I enjoyed seeing Rhys’ excitement at the fact that Ben was a father, and Margot made her move pretty quickly to get rid of her mother and find a way to bond with the daughter that she apparently sort of knew she had. It seems like Tessa is definitely going to be sticking around, and I’m eager to see how she contributes to the dynamic. I’m particularly looking forward to what’s sure to be an extremely awkward family dinner with Ben and Alice.

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