Monday, May 22, 2017

What I’m Watching: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: Season 4, Episode 22 “World’s End” (B+)

I didn’t know how this show was going to deal with Aida and her omnipotence, but it happened all right. I’d say that the image of her face being burned off by Ghost Rider’s fiery whip was plenty disturbing and more than enough proof that the former android is really gone for good. It was strange to see Robby again after so long and to have him play a role after being gone for nearly the entirety of the robot-related part of this season, but that was also fitting, since he was the only one who was able to take down someone so powerful. He also apparently brokered some deal with Coulson which may affect him going forward. I don’t know what to make of them being in space, and I like that we saw them all out eating at a dinner before the arrest that they knew was coming, though I can’t imagine they knew where they were going. The finale of the framework was fitting, with Radcliffe rescuing Yo-Yo, Mack’s daughter just disappearing, and Radcliffe’s world ending without a sound. Simmons using a robot version of herself as a decoy to bait Aida was smart, and though we’ll now have to contend with space and maybe even aliens, at least we’ll know that whichever character we’re seeing is really that person. I wasn’t so happy in the middle of this season, but I’m glad to report that, from episode sixteen on, this show has been firing on all cylinders. With a season five renewal announced and a planned January return date, let’s hope the next installment is more well-rounded and retains the show’s best qualities.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Mallory Jansen as Aida

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