Wednesday, May 3, 2017

What I’m Watching: Billions

Billions: Season 2, Episode 10 “With or Without You” (B+)

Axe’s scorched earth policy isn’t pretty, but there’s nothing that quite matched the way that he spiraled out of control when Lara wouldn’t call him back. It wasn’t all that bad until he really crossed the line with that one message, and it’s hard to believe that he left her twenty-three voicemails over the course of what I believe was just a day or so. Deleting all of the messages before she heard them shows that he’s not trying to undo the impact of the one lie that he told but instead ready to just keep on lying so that he doesn’t get into any more trouble. I was intrigued by Taylor calling Bryan to talk to him, and I expected that they were going to ensure that they were doing everything by the book. Instead, Taylor chewed Bryan out for daring to come at her without any proof, and then just went on indulging with the off-season $500,000 bonus and used it right away to purchase luxuries. It wasn’t a surprise at all that Chuck managed to win Wendy over with a very fancy French meal, but he wasn’t being nearly as manipulative as I thought, more eager for a chance to play out a fantasy than to reunite with his wife so that he could be a formidable political player. At least they weren’t doing anything near the windows, but Hall’s proximity to his home is definitely cause for concern and likely to bring some secrets to light. I like Mary-Louise Parker usually, but she was thoroughly obnoxious in this small role.

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