Saturday, May 13, 2017

What I’m Watching: Brockmire

Brockmire: Season 1, Episode 6 “Road Trip” (B+)

Well, this show handled an unexpected pregnancy in an incredibly casual fashion. Jules didn’t really have anyone to talk to about what to do aside from her bartender, and Brockmire went through a whole saga of getting connected to his imaginary child and deciding that maybe he could in fact be a father. Of course, he was more than happy to be done with all that as soon as he went over to see Jules and she told him that she was going to get an abortion. Their talk about being like parents to the team references back to what this show is all about, which is people who get excited about the game. Brockmire’s attempt to get Charles to play catch so that he could feel like a father figure didn’t work all that well since he wasn’t at all interested in sports, and I think he’ll have to settle for being an eccentric uncle to a person with totally different priorities and hobbies. Brockmire cracking jokes with the doctor didn’t go over well, and he wasn’t even close to amused when he found out that Brockmire accidentally snorted Jules’ second pill. I have to say – I’m really bad at taking pills and it takes me a while to swallow them. But I don’t even compare to Jules and the horrible time that she has trying to get one down. Not one to accept small victories, Brockmire moved on from all this drama to start more of his own by beating someone up in front of a bunch of a kids.

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