Monday, May 1, 2017

What I’m Watching: The Catch

The Catch: Season 2, Episode 7 “The Birthday Party” (B)

There’s a very interesting and, I’d argue, disturbing, lack of regard for things like human life on this show, where what Ben might casually object to as potentially dangerous for his newfound daughter actually involves killing a few random people just to make a point. I think it’s clear that Philippa Coulthard, who plays Tessa, has very smoothly transitioned into a vital part of this show, having a blast putting on an American accent and pretending to be someone’s cousin to plant bugs at a Kensington rival, and even if the near-perfect family unit that involves Margot, Ben, and Tessa doesn’t stay together, they’re still a masterful team that can operate just fine in business. There was a whole lot of sexual tension in this episode with a number of romantic considerations, with Alice wondering what it would be like to be with Ethan, who met Ben, who’s picturing life with Margot and Tessa. Agent Diaz tracking down her husband led to the conclusion that he’s very dedicated and determined to finish an undercover job he’s been taken of was most helpful because it cleared up her relationship status enough for Rhys to be able to move in on her. I like how Alice and Val helped Ethan, with assistance from Sophie, of course, to take down one of his biggest competitors who put out the hit on Heather, and it’s a far less violent way to get something done than, say, Margot likes to do every time she gets mildly offended.

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