Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What I’m Watching: Iron Fist

Iron Fist: Season 1, Episode 11 “Lead Horse Back to Stable” (C)

Well, it didn’t take long at all for Colleen to realize that the Hand is bad news. I laughed at the notion that the Hand provides internship placements, one of Bakuto’s championed assets of the group he’s trying to defend as honorable. One of her students called Bakuto on her, another few showed up to bring her in, and then two of them straight up tried to kill her on Bakuto’s orders with the creepy pronouncement that she would serve the Hand in her final moments. We knew that she was good, but it still throws this whole Hand thing into question, and Claire’s suggestion that she should have chosen another body part to name her non-evil part of the organization just about sums up the complexity of the issue. Claire trying to get Davos to appreciate the best pizza in New York was a minor distracting subplot, and there was also far too much emphasis on Davos’ resentment of Danny for taking the Iron Fist that wasn’t supposed to be his and leaving. Davos isn’t the ally that Danny needs in this, and the fact that he made up with Claire, who tried to attack him because she was racked with guilt and had just almost been killed just puts him back where he started. Joy’s expectation that they were going to have Bakuto arrested is unrealistic, but I think all this enthusiastic drive to cut the head off so that the snake will die is going to get to her and cause her to become a liability to the mission.

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