Saturday, May 13, 2017

What I’m Watching: Life in Pieces

Life in Pieces: Season 2, Episode 21 “Late Smuggling Dreambaby Voucher” (B)

This was a relatively comical and absurd episode with all four of its plotlines focused on the many ways the extended Short family was able to screw up what should have been a simple flight to Mexico, with none of them ending up on the flight that they were originally supposed to take. Heather always being late while Tim wants to get to the airport in plenty of time ended with her winning and him losing, and all their luggage getting left in Professor Wilde’s car after they almost died due to his horrific driving. I liked Tyler and Clementine’s short-lived claim to be minimalists eager to support the local economy. Joan and John’s efforts to bring Tank with them on the plane failed miserably, and John really has to revisit his cues to the dog since it seems that he utters them a lot in the course of a normal day. Baby Gavin’s gift bags were preposterous, and I really hope that no one actually does that since it’s over-the-top and highly unnecessary. Of course Greg got caught in a lie more than once, and Todd Sherry, a familiar TV recurring player, was the perfect actor to play the unimpressed flight attendant. This was interesting timing to air an episode about getting paid to not take a flight, though I think this offered a cautionary tale for those who are far too eager to be booted and then end up missing their wedding. Brian Baumgarten from “The Office” was a helpful human reminder of why they shouldn’t be those people.

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