Wednesday, May 24, 2017

What I’m Watching: Master of None

Master of None: Season 2, Episode 2 “Le Nozze” (B+)

I didn’t expect to like this episode all that much since I’ve never really been a fan of Arnold. Fortunately, this was his best appearance yet, and his presence in Italy helped Dev to realize what was actually important to him. Dev is his own man, but it was still a lot of fun to see him indulge in the excitement with a surprisingly less irritating than usual Arnold, who was polite enough to ask if they were allowed to have free samples without buying anything and who had Dev come along to the wedding with him so that he wouldn’t do anything he really regretted. He still tried his best, of course, and I’m glad that it was presented in a fashion that didn’t highlight it as the focus of the episode and instead just served as a humorous subplot. The car getting stuck and Arnold getting stuck trying to get out of it was funniest for Dev first taking a selfie for perspective, following up on Arnold’s use of a photo with him to show his size. Best of all, Dev kept walking away to text Rachel a picture of his food or what he was thinking, and knowing that she’s still on his mind and vice versa is truly wonderful. Dev departing Italy was also sentimental, mocking the English of his chef colleague, and I wonder whether we’ll see her again once Dev makes what’s sure to be a difficult transition back to living in New York.

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