Tuesday, June 20, 2017

What I’m Watching: Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks: Season 3, Episode 6 “The Return – Part 6” (B-)

It’s difficult to get into this show and the plot elements that are actually moving forward when it introduces so many random tangents that I can’t imagine are ever to going to make any sense or even matter to the grander picture at all. A handful of stabbings were plenty disturbing, and after a trippy magic show from Balthazar Getty, an innocent kid got killed thanks to some dangerous driving on the part of one reckless bad egg. It’s still not completely clear to me – nor is it to anyone else I imagine – what exactly is going on with Cooper and why he still can’t function as a human being, though something tells me that there’s not going to be some big “aha moment” in which he suddenly bursts free from Dougie’s body and asks for a nice slice of pie. It was intriguing to see Janey-E, upon receiving an incriminating photo of her husband, bring a wad of cash containing $25,000 to the men who Dougie owed, ready to confidently offer them half of what he owed to be done with it. I think they were more floored than anything, and while it might have done the trick, I wouldn’t mind if we got another chance to spend time with the eternally crazy-eyed Jeremy Davies, who looks just like he did in his Emmy-winning “Justified” role. Now let’s see if Albert is able to learn anything from Laura Dern’s Denise and if anyone inches closer to figuring out what’s going on with the two Coopers.

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