Saturday, July 15, 2017

Emmy Nominees: Best Comedy Series

My predictions: 6/7, picking “Transparent” over “Modern Family”

Well, in a year where Modern Family dropped down to just three nominations after earning fourteen in its first year and seventeen at its peak, you’d think it might finally be time to drop it from this category, just like I did from my weekly watchlist when it went on hiatus halfway through this season. Unfortunately, that’s not the case, and instead the much more highly-regarded “Transparent” got off the list, something that I didn’t expect based on its three acting bids and the fact that it still managed seven nominations. Atlanta joined the pack with six nominations, translating its Golden Globe wins into Emmy love. The rest of the category is back from last year, with Master of None doubling its nomination count to eight, Black-ish inching up to four, Silicon Valley dropping one notch to ten, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt leveling out at five, and Veep scoring its biggest haul ever with seventeen. My comedy list will be completely different with just one or two of these shows on it, but this isn’t a bad lineup.

Who should win? “Silicon Valley”
Who will win? Unless it’s “Atlanta,” it will be Veep again.

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