Monday, July 10, 2017

Emmy Predictions: Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series

The 69th Primetime Emmy Awards nominations will be announced on Thursday, July 13th. As always, chime in below in the comments with any thoughts of your own.

Last year’s nominees: Kyle Chandler, Rami Malek, Bob Odenkirk, Matthew Rhys, Liev Schreiber, Kevin Spacey

The competition: All six of last year’s nominees are eligible again this year. I’m not sure I see all that much room for change, since two nominees I would have expected to be weaker in past years, Kyle Chandler (Bloodline) and Liev Schreiber (Ray Donovan), have proven their staying power. Bob Odenkirk (Better Call Saul) is probably the most vulnerable, since I don’t see Rami Malek (Mr. Robot) being left off after his win last year and Kevin Spacey (House of Cards) being dismissed outright from the category. Matthew Rhys (The Americans) is newest to the category, and so I think he’s safe, but who will go to make some room for someone else? The likeliest to join this race is Sterling K. Brown (This Is Us), with Anthony Hopkins (Westworld) as another legitimate contender. Other new series stars who could break in include Golden Globe winner Billy Bob Thornton (Goliath), past Emmy winner Kiefer Sutherland (Designated Survivor), and past nominees Ian McShane (American Gods) and Hugh Laurie (Chance). There’s also a possibility that Brown’s costar Milo Ventimiglia (This Is Us) could crack the top six, but I don’t see it happening. I’d love to see Giovanni Ribisi (Sneaky Pete) or Dan Stevens (Legion) make the cut but don’t consider it likely, and there’s also a chance that a number of previous would-be contenders might finally make the cut this year, including Rupert Friend (Homeland), Paul Giamatti (Billions) and Damian Lewis (Billions), Terrence Howard (Empire), Justin Theroux (The Leftovers) and Aden Young (Rectify).

The predicted nominees: Brown, Hopkins, Malek, Rhys, Schreiber, Spacey

The predicted winner: Brown

Next up: Best Lead Actress in a Drama Series

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