Tuesday, July 25, 2017

What I’m Watching: Master of None (Season Finale)

Master of None: Season 2, Episode 10 “Buona Notte” (B+)

After last week’s terrific episode, this was a fitting finale, one that doesn’t provide the same closure a lot of other series do, especially since it’s unlikely that this show will return anytime soon given Aziz Ansari’s ambivalence towards continuing the show. Dev’s hot new show was all set to take off and be a huge hit, and then all of a sudden there were allegations from all over the place that Jeff was a womanizer with quite a history. Dev’s attempts to distance himself from a man purporting to be his best friend were horrendously awkward, and his exit from Raven’s talk show managed to be even worse than Jeff scoffing as he walked out in the middle. Jeff also took Dev’s acceptance of the allegations poorly, leaving him back at square one in terms of his career, probably at a disadvantage given the negative press and the fact that the show won’t even make it to air. All this led to Dev reacting very harshly to Francesca’s attempt to let him down easily, and, very unexpectedly, it was Arnold who was the voice of reason to tell Dev that things couldn’t have worked out the way he had imagined they would since life isn’t that uncomplicated. I was ecstatic when he ran into Rachel of all people on the street, but he didn’t even process that, ending up in bed instead with a very conflicted, though obviously not all that conflicted, Francesca. I’d love to see what happens next, and something tells me that we will since this show is very highly-regarded. While I didn’t love every single thing about this season, it did have some superb moments and definitely ranks as a highly recommendable show for me.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Ansari

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