Monday, July 3, 2017

What I’m Watching: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Season 3, Episode 5 “Kimmy Steps on a Crack!” (B+)

Though I roll my eyes countless times when watching an episode of this show, I do think it’s easily one of my most-referenced in conversation. What proved to be most memorable in this hour was Titus’ sudden onset scurvy, which prompted Lillian to take him to a horrific corner store where the food items barely had any ingredients that should go in food and some of it turned out to be nothing more than just a plush toy. Taking him to the supermarket she so dreaded so that he could actually get some vegetables resulted in a humorous analysis by Peter Riegert’s Artie, who I can tell is going to become a staple in this season as he shows time and time again to Lillian that he’s not out to get her but rather to help the people of the area, something Lillian refuses to acknowledge since she just tells herself to run and disappears when things start to get real. Jacqueline showed her loyalty to Russ by making his cornbread without sharing the secret recipe with Duke, and in the process she found out that his obnoxious sibling really doesn’t have everything that he wants. Kimmy did a great job trying to talk Gretchen down from turning her cult into something actionable, but there were more than enough reasons both inside and outside that makeshift bunker that it was never going to amount to anything, and the fact that Gretchen was a woman had oh so little to do with it save for the FBI’s narrow view of how to deal with her as a hysterical figure.

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