Sunday, July 9, 2017

What I’m Watching: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Season 3, Episode 6 “Kimmy is a Feminist!” (B+)

Now, this was a great episode of this show, firing on all cylinders and demonstrating why its absurdity does sometimes work. Kimmy’s failure to understand this “new feminism” was very understanding, interpreting herself as a heroic sex worker and struggling entirely with the concept of ghosting. Unable to make friends, Xanthippe was more than happy to accept the new name “Xune” and it was a rough first night of partying for her during which she proved to be quite unruly and hard to keep track of. After Kimmy didn’t agree to Austin’s sexual consent forms and had to talk to his mom on the phone, she managed to actually connect with Perry, only to find out that he was going to become a reverend, a fact that to anyone else wouldn’t mean the horrific end of a budding relationship. After he bought fruit-flavored underwear because of its vitamin C content and cherry-flavored lube to dip bread in, Titus got a call from Jacqueline to do exactly what he does best: act. Watching him compete with Duke after his “gay best friend” routine got incorrectly flagged as a con was truly entertaining, and the sight of Titus and Jacqueline trying to make out to satisfy each other’s sexual desires was pretty uncomfortable. I love that it ended with Jacqueline actually getting leverage on Duke so that she can come to the meeting where the name of the Redskins may finally be changed. The best overarching facet of this episode was the hilarious coining of a new phrase, “I overstand.”

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