Tuesday, August 29, 2017

What I’m Watching: Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan: Season 5, Episode 4 “Sold” (B)

I don’t feel like this show is at its most interesting right now, though it’s certainly not all that bad. Every memory of Abby continues to be relatively dreamlike and entirely foreboding about her fate, thanks in no small part in this episode to the emphasis put on the outfit she was wearing to her oncology appointment and Ray telling the oncologist that he had to do something to help her even though it was clear that it was too late for any sort of effective treatment. Watching Abby smash parts of the diner bar with a baseball bat did make Ray chuckle, and now he’s so far removed from everything that he’s showing even less affect than usual. Daryll, on the other hand, has moved into full Ray mode, save for his inability to contain his stomach contents when he saw the severed head of the sensei Jay White accidentally killed. Brian White sure has it less together here than when he joined the Strike Team on “The Shield” over a decade ago. But it is good to see Daryll following in Ray’s footsteps, with Mickey stepping in as the calm, collected partner to cut up the body and put it in cement before slipping his screenplay to Jay as a form of billing, following his time spent hitting the poor script reader played by Todd Robert Anderson from “You’re the Worst.” Terry is probably rightly concerned about Damon’s father being back in the picture, but he’s going to drive away his new protege every time he expresses doubt about his motives. The most lamentable development was Bunchy deciding to go grab some fast food with his $1.2 million on his shoulder while the place was being held up, and you have to hope that he’ll put Ray on the case to get his money back since things are going to implode otherwise. Bridget chose the wrong moment to confess her true motives for getting close to Smitty, and he didn’t take it well at all.

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