Monday, September 11, 2017

Emmy Winner Predictions: Best Comedy Series

Nominees are listed in alphabetical order. Submitted episode titles are in parentheses. Beware of major spoilers for listed episodes.

B.A.N.,” “The Big Bang,” “The Jacket,” “Streets on Lock,” “The Streisand Effect,” “Value

Last year’s Golden Globe winner for Best Comedy Series didn’t even earn any Emmy nominations, and now this year’s is up for the top prize as well as Best Actor, directing, and two writing entries. I’m not nearly as fond of this show as many others are, and the best of these six episodes is “Value,” which takes a step back from what it’s centered on and makes a decent point about society. “The Streisand Effect” was also a more fun episode. “The Big Bang” and “Streets on Lock” served as the two-part pilot and “The Jacket” was the season finale, and they do a good job bookending this season and showing what it’s about. I really wasn’t a fan of “B.A.N.” which is also up for directing and writing and creates a far too literal parody, but clearly Emmy voters loved it. I don’t think this show is in the same league - or maybe category - as the others here, but it’s possible that it could win just like it did at the Globes. I wouldn’t count on it though.

Being Bow-racial,” “40 Acres and a Vote,” “God,” “Lemons,” “The Name Game,” “One Angry Man

This is the second nomination in this category for this show and my second year watching a handful of episodes. I’d say these six are on par with last year’s, with “Lemons” as the obvious standout due to its election theme and its selection by Anthony Anderson and Wanda Sykes as their submissions. These comedic episodes do feel politically relevant, covering the right to vote, mixed heritage, religion, babies, and the justice system in America. Is this show strong enough to knock out all of its competition? Surely not. But it’s a fun inclusion, and Anderson may well win in his category..

The Dinner Party,” “First Date,” “New York, I Love You,” “Religion,” “Thanksgiving,” “The Thief

I really like this show, but I can’t believe that “Amarsi Un Po,” which I found to be incredible, wasn’t submitted. I guess it’s because that would have counted as two episodes, but where’s the season finale, which was also great? I loved “First Date” and thought that “Religion” was a serious improvement on the overrated season one episode “Parents.” The season premiere, “The Thief,” was terrific, and that paired with “First Date” would probably make me vote for this show over many others. “The Dinner Party” is fine, but not in the same league as the rest. The two most highly-talked about episodes of the season, “Thanksgiving” and “New York, I Love You,” are here, and I appreciate the first but didn’t love the latter, which I found to be less poignant than episodes focused on the actual characters. This show may never return for season three, and I’d be shocked if these episodes were enough to give it the win this year.

The Alliance,” “Five Minutes,” “The Graduates,” “Pig Moon Rising,” “Ringmaster Keifth,” “Weathering Heights

This show is here for an unbelievable - and undeserved - eighth time after winning five consecutive trophies for its first five seasons. I gave up on this show back in December, and therefore I had to sit down to watch four of the episodes just recently. The highest grade I gave to any of these installments was a B-, and only “Five Minutes” showed any glimmer of what this show used to be like back when it was great. I’m surprised that this show is even still here, and it’s not worth delving into its repetitive nature (read the individual reviews for that). This show doesn’t have a shot at all, and those involved should feel lucky that it’s even here at all.

Customer Service,” “Hooli-Con,” “The Keenan Vortex,” “Server Error,” “Success Failure,” “Terms of Service

I really liked this season of this show. I feel like it’s very highly-regarded but it’s managed to win just two technical trophies out of twenty-three nominations over the past four years. Every installment submitted this year represents the completely awesome and hilarious cyclical nature of the tech industry, with fortunes changing tremendously over the course of just one half-hour. I don't think this show has any momentum to win, and it's doomed to countless nominations and no major trophies for the rest of its run.

Kimmy Gets Divorced,” “Kimmy’s Roommate Lemonades,” “Kimmy is a Feminist,” “Kimmy Does a Puzzle,” “Kimmy Pulls Off a Heist,” “Kimmy Googles the Internet

This is the third consecutive nomination for this show, which has yet to win an Emmy in any category. Season three was actually great, which is why I don't understand the submission of the first two episodes, which were weaker in my mind. The other four are all very solid, highlighted by hijinks to use a gas station bathroom without paying, fearing the Internet, joint consent, and eating Dionne Warwick, part of what convinced me that this show has gotten better, but ultimately this show doesn't stand a chance of winning despite succeeding as an absurdist parody of society.

Blurb,” “Georgia,” “Groundbreaking,” “Justice,” “Omaha,” “A Woman First

This show is back for its sixth consecutive nomination after two back-to-back wins. I didn't love season five, and I'm pleased to say that these submissions are all great, representative of a strong season six. I especially appreciate the focus of two of these on Jonah's fight against Daylight Saving Time, and the focus on elections and rumors works very well. I don't see why this show wouldn't be propelled to a threepeat.

What should win (based on entire season): None of these make my list, but "Silicon Valley" would probably be my pick.
What should win (based on individual episodes): Either "Silicon Valley" or "Veep" would be fine by me.
What will win: Let's start by counting out "Modern Family," "Silicon Valley," and "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt." I don't think "Master of None" can pull off a win, and I'm not sure "Black-ish" is strong enough either. That leaves the Golden Globe winner, "Atlanta," and two-time defending champ "Veep." Actually, only two Globe winners in the past fifteen years, went on to win the top Emmy, and those were juggernauts "30 Rock" and "Modern Family." I'm going to stay conservative and opt for Veep to score another win.

Next up: That’s a wrap!

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