Friday, September 15, 2017

What I’m Watching: You’re the Worst

You’re the Worst: Season 4, Episode 3 “Odysseus” (B+)

Jimmy’s no longer at the retirement trailer park, but some of his niceness seems to have stuck around, with him actually able to apologize, even if it’s not always for the right things. Walking in to find Edgar and Lindsay having sex in his bed produced a reaction in him, and I’m not sure that he even heard Edgar putting on the British accent and pretending to be him. He did seem to be sincere in his apology to Edgar, and I guess the two of them are fine now since Edgar isn’t really capable of standing up to the manboy he considers his best friend. Gretchen had quite the day, trying to get out of sticking around to meet Ty’s friends and then earning herself a ride home from Boone, played by Colin Ferguson, who I recognized from ads for a show I’ve never seen, “Eureka.” They’re quite an interesting pair, and given the headlines I’ve seen when I searched Ferguson’s name and this show on Google, I suspect Boone will be sticking around a bit more. Gretchen freaked out when she saw Jimmy and made Boone keep driving, and then she returned to give him another shot which he almost didn’t mess up. His apology, once again, was decent, but then he had to add a caveat about her saying the word “family.” It was painful to watch him excitedly accept her fake apology for that, and not moving her arms when he tossed the book to her was a pretty effective way of showing him that she was tuning him out. Whatever comes after this is going to be messy, but what else can we expect on this show?

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