Saturday, September 30, 2017

What I’m Watching: You’re the Worst

You’re the Worst: Season 4, Episode 4 “Fog of War, Bro” (B+)

I’m not sure that there is currently a character on TV quite as unhinged – in the most deliberate way – as Gretchen. I’m not sure why Jimmy and Edgar bothered to go down and tell her that she shouldn’t come upstairs when they knew that would just pique her interest, when she otherwise would likely just have stayed in her room. She’s been acting very weird to Jimmy, but it is crucial to remember that she didn’t do anything wrong, and he was the one who proposed to her then abruptly left her there. Jimmy threatening to expose her to her clients was a bad move, and it was his own stupidity that led him to accidentally send the text after they agreed to make peace. He handled his unexpected guests well and even dealt with Gretchen coming over to break the news that technically they’re still engaged, and then she invited Boone over just to show Jimmy that she really was messing with him. It’s hard to know where they’ll go from here, but at least she managed to retain her clients while messing with Jimmy. Working through the night didn’t do good things for Lindsay, whose brain was never all that focused when she was doing nothing with her time, but at least she was up for an endearing duet with Edgar that would have won Jimmy over if things were actually going well and wasn’t even heard by Gretchen due to her preoccupation with her guest at the moment. My favorite line of the episode came from Merrin Dungey’s Candace in reference to Edgar: “We can CGI him into a floor lamp, right?”

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